Centella asiatica or centella coriacea, by its scientific name, is a climbing herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family.It is characterized by having thin stems and pink or white flowers.The natural habitat of this plant is humid areas with little light.It is native to Sri Lanka, Madagascar and parts of South Africa.It stands out for its medicinal and culinary uses, especially in salads.According to Sergio Dominguez Gil Cepeda, member of Medicinal Plants and Homeopathy of the Official College of Pharmacists (COF) of Asturias, it was used in traditional medicine in China and India, especially for wound healing.Although this plant was traditionally used as a medicinal herb, it is now used in various formats, such as gels, soaps, creams, infusions or in foods, as a condiment, if fresh centella is used.The chosen form depends on the desired result.One of its most outstanding qualities is as a protector of neuronal capacity, according to the member of the COF of Asturias.This manages to revitalize the nervous tissue, increase attention and concentration capacity and improve the negative effects of brain aging.In addition, it is an effective plant to reduce fatigue and tiredness.It is also beneficial against venous insufficiency, due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.Domínguez maintains that "currently it is mainly used in the treatment of chronic venous disorders and skin conditions."Its consumption is appropriate as a treatment against hemorrhoids or the disease called heavy legs.The use of centella asiatica is also indicated to correct skin conditions, such as burns or scars, especially after trauma or surgery.It is listed as effective for treating stomach and intestinal ulcers caused by stress.Domínguez says that "some work has been published that demonstrates the beneficial effect on stretch marks during pregnancy and on cellulite."The most likely reason for this consequence is the healing property of centella asiatica.Stretch marks appear when the elastic collagen fibers in certain areas break.This breakage manifests itself in the form of the characteristic reddish lines, which later turn white.The use of this plant helps repair elastic fibers and thus combat stretch marks.Centella asiatica is an edible plant, rich in vitamins, which allows the preparation of many healthy dishes.It is a very aromatic plant with a sweet and somewhat acid taste.It is typical in Sri Lankan cuisine, where it is used both raw and cooked.It is used to make salads, accompany rice or to flavor other foods, such as soups or vegetables.It is common to use centella to make infusions by mixing two tablespoons of it with a liter of hot water and letting it rest.It is also used to make pesto by mixing a tablespoon of this plant with a little parsley, garlic and chopped walnuts and a tablespoon of olive oil.Centella Asiatica, despite its benefits, will be contraindicated in certain situations and people:Its consumption can cause side effects such as dermatitis or skin rashes.Evaluate your symptoms and share the result with a specialist